Móberg buys Hópkaup and Leit.is
Móberg ehf. has purchased DCG’s previously owned companies, Hópkaup and Leit. Móberg is owned by Skorr Rafn Rafnsson, who also owns Netgríó, Bland, 433.is, Wedo and Móa Media. Skorri Rafn founded the Icelandic small loan company Hraðpeninga in 2009 and the Croatian small loan company Minikredit in 2010.
With the purchase, Móberg intends to strengthen and expand its activities in the online market.
“Our strategy is to develop three to six new companies yearly, and this acquisition is part of that. Our goal is to develop solutions and services that move the market and create benefits for the public,” Skorra Rafn Rafnsson, CEO of Móberg, was quoted as saying in the announcement.
“I am thrilled with the purchase of these companies, and they are a strong support for our strategy to become a leader in this market within five years,” he said.
Heimkaup is a company that offers consumers products and services at substantial discounts, but with the proviso that a certain minimum number of people must participate in the purchase.
Leit.is has operated a search website since 1999.
Link to the news on mbl.is